Дорогие друзья!
Сегодня Рождество, а значит время чудес и волшебства. И именно сегодня мы начнем подводить итоги конкурса "Моменты счастья".
Участница 1: Юлия Токаренко, уровень Upper-Intermediate, стаж изучения языка со мной 2 года.
The day, which makes me, feel on top of the world.
For a while I was trying to recall those moments of life, which make me feel in high spirit. I should really say that an idea came up to my mind suddenly.
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Всего в конкурсе участвовало 5 человек. Все они - мои ученики.
Я с большой радостью и гордостью читала их эссе. Я получила теплые отклики от своих коллег, которые едва могли поверить в то, что человек, только лишь изучающий язык, может ТАК писать.
В этих сочинениях я увидела, как вы выросли за то время, что занимались со мной. Я увидела, что вы не боитесь выражать свои мысли на английском языке. Я увидела, что вы цените красоту английского языка. Я увидела, что вы с головой окунулись в творчество. Вы даже представить не можете, как я счастлива, как много значат для меня такие моменты! Вы доказываете своим примером, что язык можно учить с радостью, с любовью, играя словами. Я увидела, что абсолютно все наслаждаются изучением языка, я не вижу в вас страха говорить, но вижу любопытство и желание заглянуть в колодец красот английского языка. А ведь когда-то, когда вы пришли учиться ко мне, вы не хотели говорить, боялись пробовать свои силы. Что с вами случилось? Вы теперь самостоятельны, уверены в себе, расслаблены. Что еще я могу сказать? Просто вы сделали меня очень счастливой.
А сегодня в Рождество мы начинаем голосование здесь на странице моего блога.
Участница 1: Юлия Токаренко, уровень Upper-Intermediate, стаж изучения языка со мной 2 года.
The day, which makes me, feel on top of the world.

I was thinking about a lot of people who come home extremely exhausted after workweek, and who need a little peace. The Start of a new week, is known, to really depend on the way people spend their days off time. This is why I’m going to tell you about my days of rest and small moments of happiness, which give me tons of power and energy for being successful during all week.
Firstly, I’d like to say that, not only the body should take a rest, but this is also very important thing for your mind. After a good rest one should feel empty of thoughts and strong power inside.
Now I’ll tell you my own recipe of success.
Happiness is:
- When you open your eyes and see light races, which illuminate your room through a window curtain. You are lying in your bed and understand that you don’t have to go anywhere and can spend more time enjoying the moment.
- When you are making a cup of hot coffee and smell this aroma, which makes your mouth water. While holding this warm cup in your hand, looking at a window, you can see that it is frosty and snowy. Also you see children who play in the yard. You can hear their voices, their laughter and shout and then your mood is getting better.
- You can spend this day doing anything you want. If you ask me, I usually clean my flat; I do it with all my tenderness and love. I dust the surface of furniture, mop the floor because I want to make my appartment cozy. Also I use candles, aroma sticks, flowers to make it much more agreeable.
- When you finish cleaning you look around and you enjoy things that you have done. After that you might be tired, then, in that case I would like to recommend you lying in a warm bubble bath, which is going to relax you.
- After this procedure you can wrap yourself in a robe and watch an interesting movie and then you are going to be on top of the world!
- The rest of time you can do whatever you want and at the end of the day you might be absolutely relaxed and calm.
Участница 2: Ирина Вараксина, уровень Elementary, стаж изучения языка со мной 5 месяцев
I like having an afternoon nap when I am tired after work, so if you get tired, I think you should have an afternoon nap too, because it is good for you.
I enjoy listening to my favorite song, when I drive my car, so if you like listening to music, I think you should walk in the park with a walkman, because a long walk clears your head.
I like sleeping in when I usually wake up in the morning on weekdays, so if you go to work on weekdays early, I think you should have a perfect cup of coffee, because it helps you to wake up.
I like making a home cooked meal when I have free time in the evening after work, so if you like making a home cooked meal too, I think you should use old family recipes, because it is best present for your husband after his working day.
I hardly ever do something nice for my neighbors if I don't see a real reason, but if you want to help someone in need on rainy afternoons, I think you should share an umbrella with a stranger and he or she should say «thank you» to you.
I like reading old novels when I am alone in my house, so if you like reading old novels too, I think you should read novels you can get lost in and you should believe in happy endings even if they are fictional, because it is very interesting!
I like smelling freshly-baked cake sometimes, but when I am hungry, I like eating a big piece of beef, but if you are hungry now, I think you should order in pizza, because it is quick.
I like feeling the warm water drops on my face, when I have shower in the morning, so if you like feeling the warm water drops on your face, I think you should have shower before work, because it is a good start of your day.
I like dreaming when I watch the sunset, so if you like dreaming too, I think you should close your eyes and feel the wind in your hair sometimes, because dreams inspire!
I like singing in the shower, when I wake up in a good mood, so if you like singing along to the radio, I think you should know all the words, because it is funny!
I like learning English together with my teacher Tatiana, so if you want to learn English , I think you should learn it with her, because she is the best teacher!
Участница 3: Катерина Астахова, уровень Pre-Intermediate, стаж изучения языка со мной 4 месяца.
I really love making a perfect cup of coffee for my husband.
Receiving a genuine compliment makes me feel happy, but I'm giving a genuine compliment to my friends, I enjoy it very much.
Receiving a handwritten letter from the best friend makes me feel happy.
In the evening, when I'm having a bubble bath I feel relaxed.
When I'm listening to my favorite song on the radio I feel good.
I quite enjoy saying thank you to strangers.
When I'm drinking a glass of red wine I feel relaxed and healthy.
I really love green lights all the way home.
Building sand castles with my child makes me feel happy and joyful.
When I'm meeting old friends I feel happy!
Участница 4: Вера Макеева, уровень Pre-Intermediate, стаж изучения языка со мной 7 месяцев
I’d like to tell you about some simple things that make me happy. Usually we don’t recognize that happiness is all around us. The biggest pleasure of my life is my family. A kiss on my lips from my husband is the best beginning of my day. Good meal in the morning makes my stomach happy, so my energy is on top. But how can we wake up without good music, if you have never listened to your favorite song during your meal, you should try it.
Once, when my husband was driving home fromwork, he bought some cakes for me to eat them in the morning. Eating those cakes made me happy.
When I was young I never used to go snowboarding, but now I do. Feeling of high speed makes me free from all bad thoughts..just me and my board.
I really like cooking for my family, their grateful smiles warm my heart.
There are a lot of pillows in my bed surrounding me when I am falling asleep, and the good-night kiss from my husband makes me the happiest woman in the world.
Участница 5: Юлия Коленкова, уровень Intermediate, стаж изучения языка со мной 3 месяца.
Happiness… is such a relative concept. As for me the veritable happiness is the state when your heart and every cell of your body is filled with dimensionless gladness, eyes are filled with tears of gratitude simply for being alive, breathing and having the opportunity to feel this HAPPINESS.
I want my life to be always as bright as the brightest star in the sky! And I want to feel every second and each event. Everyone ha been through a hard time when nothing was amazing, you didn’t know what to do, but let's just remember that the darkest time is before the dawn.
I would like to share my fabulous moments with you :
Walking around the Christmas city and looking at amazing and colorful shop-windows.
Drinking a cup of warm fragrant mulled wine when it is so frosty outside.
Lying on the fresh – smelling clean sheets and dreaming.
Filling the fresh breeze brushing your face.
Driving the car and listening to your favourite music.
Standing in the shower and feeling the warm water dropping on your face.
Dancing with my darling boyfriend.
Smelling aroma fresh-cooked coffee.
Decorating a Christmas tree with my parents.
It's a small part that brings me happiness and joy, which means the most to me.
Happiness isn’t life without worries and grieves, but the state of your soul.
Голосуем, друзья!
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